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Tag Archives: Manchester City

Aguero only asked for part of the first year's wages

Aguero only asked for part of the first year’s wages

Barcelona have been impress with Sergio Aguero ‘s attitude. Who accepted part of his first-year wages during negotiations to terminate his two-year contract with the club over the summer. Deario Sport reported on Friday that Barcelona thanked Sergio Aguero for announcing his retirement on Wednesday. It

Luca Netz, join with Manchester City

Luca Netz, join with Manchester City

Luca Netz, teenage left-back Monchengladbach Opened up that he did not want to rush on the career path, so he refused the opportunity to move to the English Premier League to settle in Manchester City if an offer came in the winter market. Luca Netz created a

The media reveal that Alli and Maria Guardiola are in love

The media reveal that Alli and Maria Guardiola are in love

After being rumored to be in a relationship last May for Tottenham Hotspur star Dele Alli and Pep K’s daughter Maria Guardiola. Vardiola, Manchester City’s best manager Recently, the Daily Mail reported that Alli and Maria are in a relationship that is in the most infatuated phase. And

Rio Ferdinand decides which team will win the Premier League

Rio Ferdinand decides which team will win the Premier League

Rio Ferdinand, former Manchester United defender, has changed his mind about the team. That has the most chance of winning the Premier League this season.      Earlier, the famous commentator stated that Chelsea have a better chance of winning. The Premier League title than any

Nate Silver Analyze the Premier League

Nate Silver Analyze the Premier League

Nate Silver Analyze the Premier League. Computing Wizard’s Supercom Decide on every team’s chances of winning the Premier League. Looking at the pool shop between Chelsea and Liverpool. Believe that now only 4 teams are still possible to reach the championship.     Nate Silver, world-renowned American